Tuesday, January 3, 2012


i'm just finished watching Iron Man 1&2, Thor, and Captain America..Hulk??sorry..not my fav though..ahahah..but im really looking forward to watch this upcoming movie..THE AVENGERS...whoaaa...mcm besh je kn bunyinye..yup..mmg besh..klu korang tgk pon..msti best jgk la..(padahal mubienye xkuar lg kt wayang kan)..uhuu..the complilation of super heroes of Marvel..Thor + ron Man + Black Widow + Hawkeye + Hulk + Captain America and Nick Fury (yg mengasas S.H.I.E.L.D tu..bkn Shiela Majid kayh)..SHIELD tu hapee?? aku pon x tau la..yg aku tau..muke Nick Fury ny msti ado dlm mubie2 hero2 bekenaan..die kompol hero2 tuk selamatkn bumi la kot..

Sape yg jd org jaat?? Hah..msti korang pikir cm cite otomen yg ade dinosor2 serang Jepon tu kan??tettttt...salah..klu korang tgk THOR..korang tau la sape yg jaat tuh..adik Thor tu jgk yg jadik org jaat dlm cteneh..sbb klu korang tgk blik cte2 mereke di atas..Kapten Amareka lawan dgn Hydra(org Rusia yg jaat la kununnye..pengikut Hitler la neh..)..tp dlm cite tu..die dh mampos..Iron Man pun same..maka tggl la adik Thor yg telah jatuh ke bumi kite yg indah nan permai ny..n nk takluk dunie(xhabes2 la..msti sme cite nk takluk dunie..)

aku x tau ending die lg..so korang jgn tnye aku cz wyg pon blom kuar kottt..mgkin cite ny aku akn tgk wyg besame en.anip yg terchenta..cewaahh..plg hmpeh pon..donlod jela..lg jimat ye dok??..alkisahnye..aku nk tgk Scarlet Johannson tu jek..shantek2..lalalala..mcm aku jgk..ahahaha(sile buat2 x nmpk pekataan tu)..well..in 2012, at least i got sumthing to watch and wait until it comes out rite..jgn trailer aje yg nmpk besh tp cite busan sudah la..bkn senang nk tgk sme superhero dlm satu mubie kn??

bajet macho belake

abg2 hensem besame kakak gojes
well..selain tu..nk jgk tgk diorg cmpo X-men skali dlm neh n..Fantastic 4..superman,batman, spiderman..sme la..msti haru biru an??sme nyer nk lawan..yg jaatnye satu jek..kirenyer org jaat ny slalu kuat..smpai ramai yg nk kne halang die..betoi x??ahahahaha

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