ku pikir nk pg spy en.anip kt tmpt keje...ahaha..sapekah yg brani ngorat laki aku yg x brape ensem neh..cheittt..perancangan mase depan..dh byk tertangguh disebbkn aku masih blaja..nk beli kete..umah yg hrgenye mkin up up n away tu kan..tgk brite mkin naik harge umah taun ny..chisss..kang ade jgk aku jd jaat pas dgr cite dr Kak N(roomate at UiTM) yg cte pasai sate gagak tu..ahahahah..tanduk setan dh kuar neh..kang aku buat sate tu..mntk satu juta..pacik kayooo!!!!
as told by en.anip..he miss me when i dont care about money..when i thought about it..yeahh..when we first met..i dont give a damn about those money..it not about money money money..we dont need your money money money(npe perlu ujudkn lagu tu dlm blog aku neh?)...smbung blik..zamn mude mudi dlu mmg aku x kesah pasai duit2 ny..cz aku bekoje bgai nk rak..time tu pun beliau bekoje demi mnyare aku..(aku yg mate duitan).uhuu..then..when i start my study in UiTM 2 years ago..everything changed..and yeah..he realized how bad im changed and that freaks him out whether Ainun Bariah is still Ainun Bariah or Ainun Bariah is someone else..
but i changed for good..if im not pushing him..he will be at the same place like we do..5 years ago..yes..i admit..when we dont have money long time ago..we are happy..happy as we can be..our life more romantics movie and we r the two lovebirds that cant be separate..i dont know y..money is a must right now..and i must admit it too..without money..where can both of us be??
money cant buy anything..so???......fill your own sentence there...lalalala
enuff for today monsters..daaa
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al kisah zamn mude remaje |
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samseng yg aku cintai(hua3) |
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