Thursday, January 26, 2012


I knw its lame..cite ny dh kuar lame dh..bwu aku nk wt review??sbb aku bru tgk..ahahaha..donlod dh disebabkn gmbr x lawa..not in mood nk tgk lg..then..dvdrip pn dh kuar..n aku donlod la..n tgk la cite ny..what can i review from this mubiee??ok..the first jhonny enlglish i can give..erm..4 stars??mybe kot..but for the second one..i think..3.5 la..x brape klaka la beb.mmg ade part2 yg mnympah kot dgn macik cine yg asik kuar nk bunoh org je kejenye..ape motip die..smpai hbes cite aku x tau..uhuuu..

Johnny English Reborn is a love it or hate it movie. Some people won't like the humor, some people will. Personally, I almost couldn't stop laughing...its a good sign rite..but its still lack of comedy though..uhuu..story about Johnny English..after a long trip to Tibet(mybe..uhuu)..meditation and controlling his mind into peace..back on duty to investigate about this Russian thing..

mne nk carik kusi roda cm ny eh??laju woo

time ny mmg aku tergelak..ahaha

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